We are excited to announce we are continuing our Children’s Division Summer lessons to introduce our theme weeks similar to our season classes due to how popular these were last summer. Every two weeks a new theme will be introduced and classes will be filled with themed tutus, props, stickers, coloring pages, and music. For the summer look forward to our following summer inspired themes: Zoo Animals, 4th of July, and Back to the Beach. Children will be inspired to use their imagination and will love to dress up and utilize themed props throughout class. A special coloring page will be sent home for each theme and our coloring contest will continue throughout the summer.

Our summer children’s division and ballet session will run for eight weeks. Students may elect to take four, six, or eight weeks depending on availability. Weeks do not need to be consecutive. We strongly advise our pre ballet students register for at least a six week session. If a four week session is the only option please have the four weeks be consecutive. It is very hard on our two year olds to bond with the teacher if the weeks are spread out over the summer session.

4 week only classes run Monday, July 7th-Saturday, August 2nd
8 week classes run June 9th-August 2nd
No Classes Thursday July 3rd-Saturday July 5th: Please see make up options online

Age listed is age as of June 1, 2025

See info on our summer Creative Movement classes (16-30 months)

Children's Division

Pre-Ballet (2 year olds)
Tuesday 4:30-5pm
Tuesday 6-6:30pm
Friday 9:30-10am
Saturday 9:30-10am

Little Ballet (3 year olds)
Tuesday 5:15-6pm
Wednesday 6:30-7:15pm
Friday 10-10:45am
Saturday 10-10:45am

Little Ballet/Tap (3-4 year olds)
Monday 6-7pm
Friday 10:30-11:30am
Saturday 9:30-10:30am

Pre-Primary Ballet (4 year olds)
Monday 5:15-6pm
Wednesday 6:30-7:15pm
Friday 10:45-11:30am
Saturday 10:45-11:30am

Primary Ballet (5 year olds)
Tuesday 6:30-7:30pm
Wednesday 4:30-5:30pm
Friday 10-11am
Saturday 10:30-11:30am

Primary Ballet/Tap Combo (5-6 year olds)
Thursday 6-7pm

Primary Tap/Jazz Combo (5-7 year olds)* Runs 4 Weeks Only
Thursday 6:30-7:30pm

Hip Hop Little Shakers (4-5 year olds)* Runs 4 Weeks Only
Monday 4:30-5pm
Wednesday 5:30-6pm

Summer Quarter Tuition: Due upon registration

30 Minute Class
4 weeks: $95
6 weeks: $135
8 weeks: $150

45 Minute Class
4 weeks: $115
6 weeks: $145
8 weeks: $165

60 Minute Class
4 weeks: $125
6 weeks: $165
8 weeks: $185

If a child registers for multiple classes a 20% discount will be applied to each additional class.

*4 week only classes run Monday, July 7th-Saturday, August 2nd

Please register online to secure placement. Once a class is full a waiting list will be created. Classes will fill quickly! Office phone (614) 939-9058

All 5 year olds by September 1, 2025 are eligible for Nutcracker if they attend a minimum of four weeks ballet classes or a ballet themed summer camp. Please refer to our office for a list of qualified ballet camps.



If you have any questions, please contact Ellen at or 614-939-9058.